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tattoo artist bryton fisher

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since 2023

If he tires of tattooing, he could

have a successful second career

as a hair model

Draws a lot of eyeballs and

things with eyeballs in them that don't normally have eyeballs


get to know me in 12 questions:

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECTS/STYLES TO TATTOO? Realism (color or black/grey), something funny or creepy WHAT IS ONE THING YOU OWN THAT YOU SHOULD REALLY THROW OUT? The pair of shorts I haven’t worn in two years WHAT IS THE MOST TRIVIAL THING ABOUT WHICH YOU HAVE A STRONG OPINION? That you can love whoever you want WOULD YOU SURVIVE A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE? I would give up if I last more than one week WHAT IS THE SCARIEST ANIMAL? Lions or Polar Bears WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? I think we all end up at a cool party WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SMELL? Good food of any kind, or freshly baked bread YOU GET ONE SONG TO LISTEN TO FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. WHAT IS IT? The Night We Met by Lord Huron WHAT WOULD BE THE FUNNIEST SUPERPOWER? Everyone in a 10ft radius of you appears naked to the public A STRANGER IS INHABITING YOUR BODY FOR THE DAY. WHAT ARE SOME TIPS YOU WOULD GIVE THEM? Stand up straight, take your meds, drink water IF YOU BECAME A GHOST TIED TO ONE LOCATION IN THE AFTERLIFE FOR ALL ETERNITY, WHERE WOULD YOU HAUNT? The Mormon Temple WHAT NUMBER AM I THINKING OF? 12

stripe background Prohibition Ink Custom Tattoo
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