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darlene fuhst and noodle

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Not a tattooer (TM)

Is physically incabable of  walking past a crooked picture  without straightening it,

The one who does all the

behind the scenes stuff that isn't tattooing (ie the one with real power mwah-ha-ha-ha)



get to know me in 12 questions:

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECTS/STYLES TO TATTOO? I don’t tattoo, but my favorite tattoos to see/hear about in the shop are people getting their first one, or any tattoos that have a story behind them WHAT IS ONE THING YOU OWN THAT YOU SHOULD REALLY THROW OUT? A pair of shoes I spent months searching for online (limited edition) that kill my feet so I rarely wear them. I worked so hard to find them I can’t let them go. WHAT IS THE MOST TRIVIAL THING ABOUT WHICH YOU HAVE A STRONG OPINION? Dogs need human names (Norm, Maggie, Enzo, Andy) and cats should have silly ridiculous names (Noodle, Turd, Kazoo, Limpy). WOULD YOU SURVIVE A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE? Only if someone wants their apocalypse bunker decorated/artwork arranged nicely and is willing to feed and house me in said bunker. Otherwise, I’m toast. WHAT IS THE SCARIEST ANIMAL? Those weird fish that live 3 miles deep that have way too many teeth and crazy fucking murder eyes. Eyes they don’t even need because they live in the pitch dark. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? Probably some type of cosmic recycling program. Chill for a bit in the ether or whatever, and if you get bored and want another ride you get to go again. Unless you’ve been an absolutely vile irredeemable piece of human garbage, then you get kicked out of the amusement park forever. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SMELL? Lilacs YOU GET ONE SONG TO LISTEN TO FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. WHAT IS IT? Just Like Heaven by The Cure WHAT WOULD BE THE FUNNIEST SUPERPOWER? Having your farts come out of someone nearby, but it only works if you naturally need to fart - you can’t summon farts at will just to make other people fart. But if you happen to need to fart……your butt is a master ventriloquist. A STRANGER IS INHABITING YOUR BODY FOR THE DAY. WHAT ARE SOME TIPS YOU WOULD GIVE THEM? This body is very uncoordinated so get ready to bump into a lot of shit and trip a lot. IF YOU BECAME A GHOST TIED TO ONE LOCATION IN THE AFTERLIFE FOR ALL ETERNITY, WHERE WOULD YOU HAUNT? First instinct is to say my house because I love it, but knowing that it will change after I’m dead I would choose the island of Manhattan, because I would never be bored and I could get into museums after hours and have all the art to myself. WHAT NUMBER AM I THINKING OF? 42069247 (it’s also my Personal Identification Number, and if you get that reference we should be friends)


We work hard to make our shop a place where you can feel comfortable, safe and relaxed. Our artists are great at helping you get the exact tattoo you want, whether it's your first or your forty-fourth.

We have a lot of stuff to look at. We find it a good conversation starter and also a welcome distraction from the pain. The general atmosphere is Victorian spa meets grandma's attic.

Our tattoo rooms are visually separated by 7 foot walls and a curtain across the entrance that can be fully closed. You can still hold conversations from room to room so you don't feel completely isolated. We have 2 restrooms, a small kitchenette with water and tea provided, a comfy lobby and free wifi.

Each artist has decorated their booth to suit their vibes. No matter the look, you will find a clean, professional environment to ensure the tattoo experience becomes a good memory that we hope lasts as long as the tattoo itself.

Please reach out anytime with questions about the shop, the process, or anything tattoo related. We're happy to help!​​

gay friendly support of LGBTQIA+ no hate here

1924 S 1100 E Ste B

Salt Lake City, UT 84105




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